Caravan Week: FAQ

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Throughout Caravan Week we’ve covered a massive range of topics related to caravans, including buying, towing and furnishing your caravan, as well as finding the perfect campsite.

Today’s post is a compilation of camping and caravanning FAQs. Throughout the series we’ve asked for your questions about the world of caravans, and here are the answers.

Who buys caravans?

Hopefully after Caravan Week you’ll know the answer to this, but it’s still one of the questions we hear most often. Many people wrongly assume that caravanning is reserved only for the elderly, and that campsites are no place for the young – but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

These days there are campsites that cater to all sorts of people; families, couples, single holidaymakers and groups of teenagers, to name just a few. No matter who you are or what sort of holiday you’re looking for, there’s a caravan and campsite to suit.

Should I insure my caravan?

Although insurance is not a legal requirement, and your motor vehicle policy may cover your caravan while its being towed, it’s always worth checking what your insurance includes. Caravans are expensive to replace, and policies can be surprisingly good value. Static and touring caravan insurance will cover your van while it’s stationary, including protection from theft and weather damage.

A specialist insurer like Adrian Flux can also provide agreed value policies and combined cover for caravans and contents. If you’re wondering whether you need to insure your van, read the “Why do I need caravan insurance?” guide here.


Can I keep a caravan on my driveway?

If you want to keep a caravan on your driveway, laws can be confusing, and cause a lot of questions. As long as it’s your own property, and there are no covenants on your house deeds or local planning restrictions forbidding a caravan on your property, then it should be fine to keep a caravan on your drive. If you’re in any doubt, give your local council a call to confirm whether there are any local restrictions.

Can I live in my caravan?

If you’ve ever wondered ‘can you live in a caravan?’ – the answer is theoretically yes. However, you can’t stay on Caravan Club sites for more than 21 nights at a time, or on Certified Locations for more than 28 nights at any time. An easier option for caravan living is a static caravan on a park home. As this would be your permanent address you would still have to pay council tax, but it will count as a permanent address on the electoral role.

Should I join a caravan club?

Absolutely! There are loads of benefits that come with joining a caravan club – whether that’s an international group of thousands of enthusiasts, or small regional group. From discounts on pitches, cheaper caravan insurance and access to vouchers for local restaurants and businesses, the benefits to be had from joining a club can easily outweigh the cost of joining, and get you access to a community of people willing to offer you caravan help and advice.


Is it worth going to caravan shows?

Visiting caravan shows can be a great way to learn more about your hobby, meet new people and discover new equipment for your next holiday. Throughout the year there are all sorts of caravan accessory shows, where manufacturers from across the world attend to show off their latest offerings, and you’ll get to see brand-new caravan designs too. There are also loads of caravanner meet-ups around the country where you can meet like-minded people and share tips, advice and your favourite caravan tales – well worth the trip!

So there we have it – the Adrian Flux Caravan Week has come to an end! Hopefully this blog series has shed some light on the details of caravanning, and inspired you to get out there this summer and to make the most of the great British countryside.

In the future we’ll be putting all of our advice together in a handy PDF guide, perfect for printing out and taking on holiday with you. Until then, if there’s anything you think we’ve missed, or some great tips you think we should include in future guides, let us know in the comments or via social media, and we’ll feature your advice.

Happy caravanning!

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