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We explore our favourite personal VW camper stories, from earlier air-cooled models dating back to the 1950s to their more modern counterparts. Whether you’re a fan of the split screen or bay window campers, there’s a tale for everyone.

Every summer, David Green and his wife Suzanne would pack their four children into their ‘72 Volkswagen camper and head...


Lifelong dream to own a Volkswagen Splitscreen camper comes true. Steve and Brigitte chat about their 1975 Brazilian Splittie....


On an unseasonably warm late September afternoon, Justyn Goff and Sam Bishop are causing quite a stir among the dog...


Way back in 1972, roving travel photographer Robert Estall decided there was no better vehicle for his chosen profession than...


This is Milly, a ‘65 split screen with an interesting past and restored in honour of a much-loved friend. Owner...


By day, Kev Smith looks after some of the world’s most famous classic racing cars. But in his spare time,...


Chris Hadley isn’t the first to make a rash eBay purchase after a few beers. And when he first drove...


It would be a stretch to say that Stuart and Aly bought their Brazilian split screen just for their two...


It’s called Dolly Mixture, and it’s been grabbing attention at Volkswagen shows since the late 1980s. Paul ‘Frosty’ Frost first...


John and Mary have never been into the VW ‘scene’. Their ‘75 Devon Eurovette and ‘70 Beetle are clearly not...


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