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Man with circular saw

Home Renovation Insurance

Get home renovation insurance while your property is undergoing repairs, maintenance and makeovers. Our insurance protects you financially against incidents that take place while the building work is underway, including fire, theft, injury and accidental damage. We can also cover your property if it remains unoccupied during renovations.

Existing customers please call:
Existing customers please call:

What is home renovation insurance?

Home renovation insurance is a special type of cover that ensures your property remains insured while it undergoes building work. Whether you’re undertaking structural work such as underpinning a property with subsidence, building a loft or garage extension or conversion to add more space, or redesigning a room in your home, our home renovation insurance has you covered.

Circular saw cutting through plank
Circular saw cutting through plank

Get a Home Renovation Insurance Quote

Does regular home insurance cover renovations?

Most home insurance policies don’t cover renovations, especially if the building work being undertaken is extensive and will take weeks or months to complete. This is because:

  • Builders coming in and out of your property can increase the risk of thefts as some windows and doors could be left open for longer periods than usual.
  • If you’re leaving your home unoccupied while it’s undergoing renovations, this can also increase the risk of theft.
  • Should your property be damaged while the building work is taking place, your standard home insurance policy might not cover the claim unless renovation insurance is included on your policy.

Do I need a special type of home insurance when renovating my property?

Yes, specialist insurance for home renovations is usually the best option as it covers any unexpected mishaps during the building work. If you don’t take out specialist cover and something goes wrong, this could invalidate your home insurance policy if you need to make a claim.

Vector illustration of a woman standing on a ladder

Get a Home Renovation Insurance Quote

man on ladder renovating room

Can I get unoccupied home renovation insurance?

Yes, we offer cover for unoccupied properties, including those that will be left empty while undergoing renovations. If your home is left unoccupied for more than 30 days, most standard policies won’t cover you. Our unoccupied home renovation insurance can be taken out for the duration of time your home will be left unoccupied, ensuring you’re covered for the increased risks that leaving your house empty carries.

man on ladder renovating room

Why choose Adrian Flux for home renovation insurance?

As a specialist insurance broker, we’re able to compare quotes from over 30 insurers to find you the right cover for your needs and budget. We offer a range of optional extras, ensuring your policy is tailored to your unique circumstances.

Couple renovating and painting a room
Couple renovating and painting a room

Over 81% of customers who got an online quote could have saved money if they’d called us instead.

What kinds of renovations do I need to tell my insurance provider about?

You should let us know about any changes you make to your property, including those that affect the structure of your house or its value as well as cosmetic changes. This is because the renovation costs affect your insurance policy more than the type of renovation work being carried out.

Vector illustration of a paint bucket
Vector illustration of a paint bucket
man putting up wall tiles

Can I get unoccupied home renovation insurance?

Yes, we offer cover for unoccupied properties, including those that will be left empty while undergoing renovations. If your home is left unoccupied for more than 30 days, most standard policies won’t cover you. Our unoccupied home renovation insurance can be taken out for the duration of time your home will be left unoccupied, ensuring you’re covered for the increased risks that leaving your house empty carries.

man putting up wall tiles

Get a Home Renovation Insurance Quote

What happens to my policy once the renovations are complete?

Once the changes are complete, it’s important that you let your insurance provider know. This is to ensure that your current home insurance policy covers any changes you have made, especially if the changes have increased the value of your home.

Blue masking tape on the painting wall
Blue masking tape on the painting wall
freshly undercoat painted room

Will renovations increase the cost of my home insurance?

This depends on the type of renovation you’ve completed.

If the changes you’ve made to your property are extensive and have added value to your property, such as a loft or garage extension, this could increase your premium as the costs involved with rebuilding your home will increase.

freshly undercoat painted room

Over 81% of customers who got an online quote could have saved money if they’d called us instead.

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