
Rambler American Deluxe


" Our web and worldly wanders sometime shore up a real gem. This weekend, spotted in the city, was an immaculate example of a car I had never heard of. It was obviously American - but its pristine condition made me "

Renault 17 Coupé


" Back in 1971 Renault made the risky move of launching not one, but TWO Coupés. The 15 and 17 rocked wrap-around bumpers (the first time this technology had been mass produced) & there were quartz halogen lights, too, which, at the time "

Miles Davis and the Ferrari 275 GTB

Cars People

" All images © Baron Wolman Miles Davis is widely know to be one of the coolest people ever to stalk the earth. Not only did he produce some of the most beautifully muted, creatively intense recordings known to popular music - "

Walter Rohrl and the Ballet of the Quattro.


" Not sure whether or not we've posted this before or whether you've seen it: but this edit is one of our favourite clips of all time. We love the teutonic coolness of the navigator's voice (though it obviously wasn't recorded "

New Jaguar F-Type Unveiled


" Ok, so the whole automotive world will be frothing as I write. We don't normally post PR-led stories - but when Jaguar launch a new car, it's a story everyone should be interested in. There's a V6 and a V8. "

Exner Valiant


" Pretty undecided here at Influx Towers about what we actually think about this. Love? Hate? Indifference? Not being ones to sit on the fence, we're going to have to sit on the fence. There's something just so wrong about re-creating "

Long Live the Kings


" We've been following our friends at Blitz Motorcycles for a while now. They've grown adept - not only at building nice looking bikes - but presenting them and their lifestyles with a certain panache. No surprise then, that the latest "

Camaro Gold


" Nova Scotia is an incredibly beautiful province, and there are a wealth of muscle car enthusiasts ready to roll as soon as the sun begins to shine. We were lucky enough this weekend to be in this corner of Maritime "

Dodge Charger


" So Influx is here in the Maritime, breezy - bright Canadian province that is Nova Scotia, avoiding bears, cougars and spotting a lot of strange vehicular creatures along the way. Among them, and not the least interesting of these beasts "

Bertone Testudo Concept


" We've mentioned the Testudo before, in the context of its amazingly mancave-ish interior. But we had a good look at this amazing car again recently and worth it was sharing some more pics. One of the reasons we think it's "

Ferrari 250 LM


" Of all the noble designations of the 250 Ferrari our fave is the 250 LM. I was gobsmacked this weekend to see one ON THE STREET. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough on the draw to get an original pic. The racing beauty "

Friday Bike Crush: Crowe Customs BMW R80


" We've been on the verge of buying a BMW motorcycle for a couple of years now, with a view to stripping it back and slowly creating a piece of custom loveliness for hard-ish duty travel missions on the backroads. Stumbling "

Scooter Exploitation


" We're not sure where these excruciatingly colourful pieces of scooter-exploitation come from - but we think they might be some sort of Scandinavian take on the ripe old cheese of scooterism. It's easy to forget that scooters were originally conceived "