
S130 Nissan Fairlady Z


" We stumbled across these catalogue images of the T-topped S130 Fairlady Z this morning and it occurred to us that with the evolution of our aesthetic and the return to cool of all things vaguely 'eighties', it might be time "

The Art Of Chris Piscitelli

Cars People

" New Jersey born and raised artist Chris Piscitelli is the son of a car fanatic and the grandson of a fine artist. He attended Rhode Island School of Design then moved to Detroit to attend College for Creative Studies - "

Dirtquake by Sideburn


" If you like your bikes customised, your tracks made of cinder and your girls in PVC and high heels - and of course you don't take these things OVER seriously - you could certainly do worse than to get yourself "

Porsche: Targa Florio Tribute


" images courtesy Two things in Motorsport go together particularly beautifully: Targa Florio and Porsche. The long defunct, fatally dangerous and aesthetically beautiful Sicilian endurance race may have gone the way of the Dodo as far back as 1977, "

Chronicles of Phatitude


" It's been a while since we shared with you the fruits of our ongoing mission in which we attempt to define the elusive term 'phatness'. It's nothing to do with either hip-hop or the scourge of obesity that currently plagues "

Car Design and War


" There's a lot of hearsay about the birth of the VW Beetle and the prewar years in Germany. Paranoia. Prejudice. Misinformation is at work here, obviously. The nonsense is cut through brilliantly by this fascinating documentary that looks in depth "

Indonesia’s Scooter Extremists


" photographs: Ed Wray /HUCK magazine The fine folks at HUCK MAGAZINE managed to scoop us on a freaky greasy scene we haven't heard of this week. Their latest issue contains a great piece on – of all things – the custom scooter "

Volvo Duett


" There's something about the Volvo Duett that we can't get out of our system. We've been crazy for Volvo estates for a years now. The box-like practicality and simple, unpretentious purity of the designs encapsulate what we love about utility "

Camper Van-tastic


" . About this time of year we get an uncontrollable camper van twitch. We're sure we're not alone. It's amazing the amount of people who rock the T4/T5 transporter at weekends these days - with a whole swathe of customs, "

Subaru XT


" Not sure why we like the Subaru XT, but we do. When you see how it was promoted in its original Japanese promo, there's a disconnect between appearance and market. Two door coupé. Dramatic wedgie styling. Four wheel drive. The "

Saul Bass: Grand Prix, 1966


" Saul Bass is a hero in so many ways. Responsible for the title sequences and graphic identities of some of the greatest films of all time, for us his work reached a high point when he weaved his magic on "

Vantasia ’77


" If the seventies is just a veil of misty clichés to you and your reference points are films like Dazed & Confused & Boogie Nights - then the whole craze of Custom Vans that exploded all over the American "

Renault 4 Love


" When I first saw these images I was scrolling through them for a full five minutes before I realised what attracted me to them. An old girlfriend of mine owned a Renault 4, not in orange, but in that Renault powder "