
Classic Daimler SP250


"Ah, the Daimler SP250 – or ‘Dart’ as it’s known here in the UK. It was, unfortunately, one of many a sad victim to fall foul to a company merger. Danni Bagnall explains. Daimler – the English firm and no relation "

1000 BHP Super Cars – Performance on a Grand Scale


"Everything is getting bigger these days: skyscrapers, waistlines, gas bills, commercial breaks on TV, NHS waiting times, television screens...and vehicle power outputs. Let's think about the last item on that list. To more seasoned petrolheads, it doesn't seem so "

Great Shakes: Bertone’s Beach Buggy

Cars Culture

"The 1960s: mini-skirts, moon landings, music and a Missile Crisis... And beach buggies. A broad bevvy of buggies, each with balloon-bloated tyres seemingly capable of taking on a lunar landscape. Lamborghinis Miura and Countach, Lancia Stratos, Fiat Abarth 131 Rally, the "

4×4: For or Against?

Cars Culture

"There’s been a trend over the last decade of manufacturers jumping on the SUV and crossover band-wagon, with Lamborghini more recently succumbing to said market, but what’s so special about 4x4? Danni Bagnall investigates. The number one reason "

Prodrive P2


"Bwaaaah. Bu. Bu. BWAAAAH! Flat but percussive with rough, loping edges, it could only be a boxer four. Rough and inconstant, the gloriously impure gargling swells with each passing second, gaining pitch and volume as the revs continue to climb. "

50 years of Jaguar XJ


"The XJ was the last Jaguar that company founder Sir William Lyons personally oversaw; a super-saloon to join the company ranks, alongside motoring greats like the E-type and the Mk2. It was revealed to the public, in the form of "

Lotus’s forgotten wedges


"Pop quiz: you have three seconds to name a wedge-shaped Lotus. Go! Okay, hands up who answered 'Esprit'? Blimey, that'll be all of you, then. Well, it is the obvious answer, isn't it? But it wasn't the first wedge-shaped Lotus. "

The Cars of British GT


"The cars of British GT may well represent the perfect meeting point of sex appeal and audience recognition. These are not the sort of sinuous but seriously exclusive single-seater machines that you see at racetracks and nowhere else, and between "

Classic Ford prices

Cars Culture

"If you’re a classic car enthusiast you’ve probably watched prices rise extortionately during the last decade. Just last year, the Coutts Index examined the performance of “passion assets” such as classic cars, art work, coins and antiques, with "

Aeroplanes by car manufacturers

Cars Bikes Culture

"The intertwining of the aviation and car worlds is inextricable, so tightly wound together are they, that it’s like separating a Premiership footballer from their Cheshire mansion, or Lewis Hamilton from the hashtag #blessed. Because aeroplanes and cars came "