
Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500


"OK, we've said it before. But the Sierra Cosworth RS500 must be the most genuinely super saloon that Ford has ever produced. Interestingly, this quintessentially Dagenham-bred saloon was pieced together in Ford's factory in Genk, Belgium. Strange, really, because nothing "

Porsche 959


"If you're one of the folk out there who believes that the Porsche Turbo wasn't necessarily a full-blooded supercar, then the 959 pushed the form firmly into the superlative. But we reckon the 930 Turbo was the supercar. This was a hypercar. "

Supercars, Super Humans

Cars People Culture

"Enzo Ferrari Il Commendatore was responsible for defining the facets, values and aesthetics of the supercar more than any other individual. Right from the very start of the Ferrari journey, the young Enzo was obsessed with the beauty of speed "

Supercar: Evolution and Extinction


"Supercars were once all about pure performance. Gentleman racers of the 40s and 50s wanted the kinds of cars in which you could streak from Paris to the Amalfi coast overnight in an aether of oil fumes and Aqua Di "

458 by Liberty Walk


"When I was a kid car customisation was all about being a rebel. It was all about moving in a different direction from the rest of society. It was an energetic time, and there were lots of us taking part "

Porsche, Martini and the Mulsanne Straight


"We've waxed lyrical about the beauty of the Porsche-Martini collaboration before. But this morning on our usual webly wandering we came across this adrenalin-infused onboard sequence with a 1977 Le Mans pilot and his Porsche-Martini Spyder. Check out the 200mph plus "

Ford Zodiac Mk3


"Few cars of the British mid-century boom time swaggered with as much blue collar ostentation as the Ford Zodiac. Coming across like an over-promoted shop steward who sold out the masses with chrome - the Zodiac took its fins and "

Kojak’s Buick

Cars People Culture

"Who loves ya baby?! Anyone bought up with long, boring Sunday afternoons in the 1970s will recognise those four little words instantly. TV cop Kojak's catchphrase wasn't the only reason for the shows enduring appeal. Hollywood tough guy Telly Savalas's "

VW Variant


"It strikes me, after spending a week in Tokyo, that the Japanese even do European better than Europeans do. You can see evidence everywhere. There are immaculate G Wagons all over the place, customised and wrapped and rocking nice alloys "

Citroen SAXO: Likely Lads

Cars Culture

"Whatever happened to the likely lads? Meet the Citroen Saxo. You know, the Max Power generation? The Red Line Magazine monkeys. The boys and girls tinkering and tweaking and representing down in the car park of your local rec; lapping "