
Peugeot 205 T16 Group B


"There are a number of racing machines that will forever be associated with Finland. The best of them are – like the nation that loves them – unruly, unpredictable and quick. For some the definitive Finnish machine might be Jarno Saarinen's Yamaha "

Six Questions: Hannu Mikkola

Cars People

"Finnish rally maestro Hannu Mikkola was one of the legendary flying Finns who powered their way into motorsport lore during the Group B era at the wheel of the monstrous Audi Quattro S1 Sport. But as World Champion in 1983 and "

Finland’s Glory


"The cliché about Finnish people being good drivers seems to be true. Look at the statistics. As a country of a mere 5.5 million people, we have produced many drivers who have won world class races and several world championship titles. "

BMW Mille Miglia Coupe Concept


"This concept is now nearly 10 years old but will clearly remain timeless.  Developed by BMW to pay homage to the glory days of motorsport engineering excellence, it fuses history with cutting edge modernity to produce a piece of unique gothic "

Nissan’s Le Mans Contender


"Images of Nissan's front wheel drive Le Mans prototype have been bouncing round the web since it aired at the Superbowl commercial break. And everyone knows how expensive that piece of advertising real estate is. Testament, that, to the importance "

Triumph Dolomite Sprint


"All images: Leyland Press If you came to car consciousness any time between Ted Heath and Margaret Thatcher's premierships, then the Dolomite Sprint will mean a lot to you. Born from a time of rancour an agitation on the shop "

Ferrari Knickers?

Cars Culture

"No, we’ve not gone all Dada-ist this mad March.  It’s just that brand extension amongst the culture of hi-end automotive retail has reached ridiculous proportions. Bentley, in fact have a number of answers to the question 'what is "

Renault Espace F1


"Here's one of our favourite concepts of all time.  The Espace F1 was created in 1995 by French motorsport pioneers Matra to celebrate both the 10th anniversary of the Espace and Renault's involvement in Formula One racing. It might have looked "

Boyhood film and the Pontiac GTO

Cars Culture

"If you haven't seen Richard Linklater's Oscar-winning film, Boyhood, yet, you should. The film is brilliant - real achievement at many levels and for many reasons, but for members of this particular parish - the part played by the Pontiac "

Vulcan: Aston Martin’s otherworldly hypercar


"We're not sure wether the name references the totemic Delta-Winged British Bomber or a fictional mixed-race alien with pointy ears. Either way, Aston Martin's Vulcan is an otherworldly beast. Announced this morning in advance of its Geneva reveal, the gents "

Lotus Ford Cortina


" Funny how the shape of a car can cause a Proustian moment. Thing is with the Ford Cortina Lotus was that it chimed perfectly with a time when the A-Road riders sought desperately to differentiate themselves from the rest of "

Pegaso Z-102 Cabrio


"Sometimes we want to run pictures of a car just because we can. And here at the fag-end of February what better to lift your mood for the weekend of love than the Pegaso Cabrio? The design is a combo "