
The Derelicts


" Icon have made a bit of a name for themselves by breathing new life into old FJ-series Land Cruisers. The whole thing is about restoring cars with classic looks, classic feel - but re-engineering them with modern reliability, performance and "

Goodbye to Mr MOMO


" Spotted this week that Gianpiero Moretti, creator of MOMO and of course, some of the coolest steering wheels to grace a motor, died on Jan. 13 in Milan. He was 71. Mr. Moretti started his company Momo — an amalgam of 'Moretti' and "

Lancia Delta S4 time trial


" Sometimes a video is too good not to share. We've blathered on about the brutal beauty of Group B rally time and time again. But we don't care. There's something so brilliant about the way these machines moved - and "

Drive: revisited…


" When Nicolas Refn's film Drive came out last September we were obviously interested straight away. What's not to like about putting the words 'existential' and 'car' together? Any close reader of this blog will understand that imbuing meaning into cars "

Transparent Nostalgia


" Stumbled across an amazing collection of original Motorsports slides today for sale on eBay. It really brings to mind the glorious beauty of film and transparency photography. We here at Influx towers are of course obvious revelers in the joys "

Shiny, Happy Steel


" pic: Michael Fordham Thanks to the kind folks at Wikipedia chrome, or chrome plating, is actually a technique of electroplating a thin layer of the chemical element chromium onto a metal object. It was originally used extensively in industrial and "

Ferrari 512 BB


" I always thought the 512 BB was a really under rated Ferrari. In my opinion, in fact it’s one of the prettiest Ferraris ever. The 523 BB had 12 cyclinders arranged in a boxer engine, and prefigured cars like the 308, 328 and the "

PRPS & Car Culture

Cars Culture

" image PRPS A lot of people out there are understandably dubious about the connections between car culture and fashion. This video, though, is really worth a look. Donwan Harrell is a car nut and creator of PRPS, a high end "

Mercedes SLS AMG GT3


" Ok, you can't drive it on the road, it looks like a nightmare in which Hieronymous Bosch interprets a Wagner symphony in a room full of blood lusted Valkyries, but we can't keep our minds off AMG's SLS GT3. Merc "

Kandy Koloured Dreams

Cars Culture

"Late last year I flew into Los Angeles to report a story on southern California's unique, vibrant, influential car culture. Nearly half a century earlier a slightly more talented writer did the same thing. Tom Wolfe, who would go on "

Jaguar 13 + 75


" A few years ago we had the pleasure of meeting legendary Jaguar development engineer Norman Dewis. This is the man responsible for the shakedown of many of the most incredible British cars ever made - and some of the out "