
Formula 1: Technology Trickledown


"The new Formula 1 season is here. And this time the organisers really hope that you won’t scratch your head and wonder what all this has to do with you and your car. The new engines are dramatically smaller – V6 "

McLaren: F1 to M1


"20 Years ago McLaren boss Ron Dennis said of the F1, that it was “....the finest supercar the world was ever going to see”. [caption id="attachment_35118" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] The F1 represented a step-change in itself...[/caption] In Geneva recently "

Porsche return to Motorsport


"The changes to this year's F1 regulations will be echoed throughout FIA accredited motorsport. And in endurance racing, the changes will perhaps be most influential on the cars YOU drive. Porsche have timed their return to endurance racing to coincide "

Mercedes C-111


"Concept cars are myths of the near future. When future-obsessed novelist JG Ballard coined that phrase he may have been thinking of the Mercedes C-111. Not that we are all driving around in bright orange, gull winged machines — but we "

Mercedes C-111 & Felix Wankel


"In the heady, creatively inspired days of the end of the 1960s, the whole world appeared ready to go rotary. At the Frankfurt Motor Show of 1969 the Mercedes Benz C111 was one of the most spectacular manifestations of the much "

Rotary Engined Classics


"Suzuki RE-5 Pimped by an Astronaut and styled by Giorgetto Giugiaro, the Suzuki RE5 was powerful but fatally complex. It looked like the mid seventies super-bike it might have been – but with that ugly radiator thing up front and the "

Peugeot 205 GTi


" By the end of the 1980s it seemed like every other drive in suburban Britain was home to a Peugeot 205. Over five million 205s were produced over its 15 year production run – but only a select few lucky folk (or their "

Peugeot 205 T16


"Jean Todt, Peugeot's team principle, stood in front of the press at the start of the 1981 Rally season and announced that they were developing a new four wheel drive rally car. He promised a prototype by 1983 and that the new "

Peugeot 205 GTi: a confession


"It was a stupid thing to do. But when your best mate's mum leaves the keys to her Peugeot 205 GTi hanging from the hook in the kitchen when she went away for the weekend with her new boyfriend, a 16 year "

McQueen is Dead

Bikes People

"Words: Gary Inman Images: William Claxton, Warner Bros, Life Magazine Archive The atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, while the motorcycle-related media is 56% Steve McQueen. It is virtually impossible to look at a bike or classic car magazine or decent-sized website without seeing "

Steve McQueen’s Cars & Motorcycles

Bikes People

"words: Neil Siner Whatever you think of the exploitation of his image and his myth, Steve McQueen had impeccable taste in cars and motorcycles. Here is a fistful of our favourite rides that will be forever branded McQueen. The Bronze "

Unseen McQueen?


"words: Neil Siner images: Barry Feinstein In Barry Feinstein's new book Unseen McQueen, showcased with such style until mid January at the Brewer Street Car Park in London's Soho, we are both witnessing an escalation of the McQueen myth and "