
Steve McQueen: The Power of Style


"The blogosphere is awash with paens to Steve McQueen as an icon of cool. Why is Steve McQueen such an important figurehead for (mostly) blokes who like cars and motorbikes. It can't be just about how good he looked, can "

Chanel’s Fiole Concept

Cars Culture

"If ever a car project demonstrated the linkage between the way a fashion designer interprets a brief and the way a car designer images a new project, then The Chanel Fiole is it. Unveiled in early  2009 the Fiole was a "

Scooterists Forever!


"-Lemmy of Motorhead famously referred to them as ‘hairdryers.’ To him and his ilk, they are whining little machines whose performance an attitude are a joke compared to the brawn and substance of the classic piece of English Iron. Hundreds "

Cars: Objects of Desire


"The worlds of fashion and cars and bikes have always intertwined. Right from the early days of internal combustion, the car was seen as an accessory of style more than a purely utilitarian device. While the industrial revolution was motored "

The Chimaera of Speed


"The perfect illustration (below) of the glorious absurdity of the very, very fast car. The Bugatti Veyron will do 253 miles per hour. But it can’t do 253 miles in an hour, because at that speed its fuel consumption is so "

Gatso Schmatso

People Culture

"It’s one of the most deflating feelings in the motoring world. No, strike that. In the universe. It’s ten in the morning on your local dual carriageway on a sunny Sunday. You’ve crammed the kids into the "

The Day Of Reckoning


"When the court usher said ‘I’d just like to make you aware you face disqualification today.’ I could feel the blood drain from my face like gin from an optic. This wasn’t the time, or place to blurt ‘"



"The land speed record is the ultimate answer to that age-old question: How fast will she go? It sounds so simple, when the essence of speed is distilled to just those five words. But they disguise so much of the "

The Bonneville Story


"If you were dropped blindfold in the middle of the great Salt Lake of Utah you could be forgiven for thinking you had arrived on another planet. The sun angles off its ancient surface and sends contusions of light that "

Vincent Black Shadow: Fantasy Ride


"The Vincent Black Shadow is famous for a lot of reasons. Released in the late-40s, into an era of post-war austerity, it was groundbreaking, intimidating and fast enough to turn a pilot’s eyelids inside out. It made such "

Rosemeyer V Caracciola


"Man has always been fascinated by speed. The desire to be the fastest has inspired tales of great heroism as well as great tragedy. Perhaps the latter’s most poignant example was the fate that befell poor Bernd Rosemeyer as "

Future Shock?


"“I'd rather try crossing a river on a path of bobbing soap cakes than make predictions about the car of tomorrow. The footing would be far safer.” So said Harley Earl, head of General Motor’s famous ‘Art and Colour’ "

The Ten New Cars We’ll Lust After in 2010


"Stare into the crystal ball. The motoring industry tugs us in two directions. On the one hand it fuses the heights of driving passion, design discernment and technological exactitude to produce the most dizzying hypercars of which we could ever "