Japanese Van Mentalism


"[gallery link="file"] The Japanese don't do things half-heartedly. But one of the most visually arresting of far eastern cult forms is the that of extreme van modding. You can probably find out what motors this zenith of auto wackiness "

Aston Martin DB5 Shooting Brake


" Forefroent of the mind this morning: the needs of a small family, and the need to love your daily drive. Tricky poles to reconcile. But, finding this lovely shot in our twitterbox this morning, it has become clear that nowhere "

Five Easy Pieces


" We think we have stumbled on a contender for Road Movie no1. Jack Nicholson's brilliant perfromance in Five Easy Pieces has to rate as one of the best portrayals of the road-dwelling drifter we have ever seen. It's easy to "

Matra Simca Bagheera Love


"  When I was growing up a neighbour had a Matra Simca Bagheera. This neighbour was a vaguely bohemian PE teacher - a strange combo of things if ever there was one. Our neighbour's Bagheera had been named after the "

Deus Ex Machina


" We have shared the love of Deus before. But the Sydneyside temple of bike and surf culture (taking in two of our passions in a fell swoop of cool), continues to impress with the quality of their vision and output. "

Utility Fetish


" It's the time of year. As soon as the first dusting of hoar frost starts crisping up the puddles and the hills begin sparkling with snow, our minds turns to real mens' cars - burly, boxy, business like automotive creatures "

Le Corbusier’s Car


" It shouldn't be surprising that the man who created the idea of houses 'machines for living in' should have penned a distinctively beetle like creation as long ago as 1929. With its bug-like fastback and modular construction, modernist architect Le Corbusier "



" We're a little bit obsessed with concept cars from the latter end of the sixties, as close readers will realise. There was something beautifully outlandish in the imagineering of car designers between 1965 and 1975 - and when you throw the Japanese "

Influx Social

Jensen: Beauty or Beast?


" Having had a lot of feedback from our dear readers as to wether or not the Jensen Interceptor is one of the ultimate cars of the sixties, we delved into our memories (as well as the image files) to reassess "

New Lamborghini V12


"[gallery link="file"] Lambo is in the process of including a new V12 in its next generation of raging bull. The engine it replaces, originally designed by Bizzarini, has been in it's basic form the V12 motor that has been "

It’s Better in the Wind: 2011 Film Teaser


" Had word from stateside photographer Scott Toepfer this week. Scott tells us that he is working on a 2011 release for a short film related to http://www.itsbetterinthewind.com/, his inspirational photo project. As Scott says: getting out there, away "

Around the World in a Jeep

Cars Culture

"[gallery link="file"] One of the greatest adventures you can have on four wheels is getting off road, travelling as the bison travels, and heading out across country. In this world of regulation, hijack, political and economic strife, it seems "

What next for WRC?


" Hold the front page! This weekend French savant Sebastien Loeb won the final stage of this year's WRC in the Forests of Wales. It may not be exactly a surprise, but it is fitting that the man who has dominated "

Vincent Black Lightning


"[gallery link="file"] When you look closely at this bike, it gets only more beautiful. There's something in the combination of chrome and dark steel; something about its exposed machinery - that tugs at the emotions. We can't claim to "

The Importance of Being Miura


"The Lamborghini Miura is the most beautiful car of the sixties. There. I’ve said it. You can't be objective when you're talking about automotive beauty. There's this idea that journalists are meant to be objective, platonic, even handed; set "