Counterfeit Cars


" It's almost a cliché these days. Everybody knows that the Chinese are brilliant at reinterpreting Western technology and making it better than the original. In the same way that the postwar Japanese produced out of the ashes a world-dominating car "

AMC Pacer: Shakin’ dat (American) Ass

Cars Culture

" The American Motor Company, which came up with the highly attractive AMX GT concept in 1968, the shooting brake-style lines of which informed a generation of nearly-classic, never-quite-made-it American motors, was always troubled company. Why? It tried to bring innovative concepts "

Geneva 4 The Unveiling of (Another) Green Supercar


"The theme is clear at Geneva this year. Supercar platforms with the capability to run a variety of propulsion systems and fuels. The watchwords are technology, Innovation, efficiency and loads of other near incomprehensible technological terms that nobody has ever "

Frazer Nash & Fabrizio Giugiaro


" Yet another rebirth of a brand: this time classic British marque Frazer-Nash. Behold the striking Namir (Arabic for Tiger), which has been unveiled today at Geneva. It's a hybrid electric with a 814cc endothermic rotary engine (whatever that means) with "

Geneva 2009 Spotlights Great Design


"Despite the near universal gloom purveyed in the mainstream media, and daily apocalyptica emanating from commentary on the auto industry, the Geneva Motor Show opens its doors to press today. Early dispatches point to a predictably hair-shirt-like attitude in the "

The French Touch


" You have to hand it to Renault. Though they’ve had only mixed success in both the worlds of motorsport and production cars over the last few years, they keep on coming up with cars that look stunning and drive "

Friday Lunchtime Semiotics

Bikes Culture

"We're becoming a little obsessed with deconstructing the way cars are marketed and advertised. It's clear to us that by studying the way cars are represented by the hipsters in slick haircuts is the best way to tease out stuff "

Influx Social

The Dreams of a Little Cortina


" It was a scorcher the day my Grandad picked up his new car. He had been telling me stories at bedtime about the little Cortina for what seemed my entire life. He would make up adventures for the cheeky little "

Cool Caravans?


"Caravans get a bad press, particularly from people whose passion is motoring. When you look at it objectively, they should be a good idea. You get to experience the freedom of the open road without having to spend appalling nights "

Gangster Lean

Cars Culture

"Everyone loves a gangster movie. And there can't have been many gangster flicks that didn't feature a healthy garage full of bad-boy motors. Right from the beginning of the movie industry cars have been icons loaded with meaning. When representing "

Mito – Bravo Alfa!


" It’s common knowledge that to own an Alfa is a rite of passage for every passionate lover of cars. Exactly why that is held to be a universal truth is not so easy to explain. Apart from their historical "

Six Wheels Good


" Anyone who was a child in the 1970s can testify to the cultural import of The Thunderbirds. It wasn't just the dashing derring-do of Scott, Virgil and the rest of the Tracy brothers that got little boys frothing with desire "

Tell me again: who killed the electric car?


" The controversy surrounding the ill-fated EV-1, the electric car that General Motors launched with much fanfare in 1996, seems a little long-in-the-tooth for these days of environmental and economic apocalypse. But isn't it worth re-addressing the conspiracy theories? Could it be "

Glamour Wrought in Steel

Cars Culture

" One of the perfect things about classic cars is that unlike the human body, or a loved one's face, they retain the glamour they were born with. That glamour may oscillate in intensity, and the nature of that glamour alter "