Lexus x Star Wars

Cars Culture

"OK, so this post is little more than an excuse to share an epicly cool Star Wars graphic. But the imagined tech behind not only the Landspeeder used by Luke Skywalker, but of course the hoverboard that appeared in Back "

How to Create a Desert Sled


"The Desert Sled. Three little words that evoke romance in many a motorcyclist's mind. You can't help but picture golden California sunsets, freedom, sex, love and Bud Ekins. But how do you get your bog-standard Triumph Bonneville into the right "

The Boss Mustang


"The Boss Mustang was the daddy Mustang. It might not be as pretty as the lighter ponies, but the 'Stang with extended everything, which was introduced in 1969, was the the star of the early seventies show. The longer, wider, beefier "

Syd Mead: Auto-Futurist

People Culture

"Syd Mead is a self-created industry. He deals in colour, line and imagination - and his vision of an automotive future has seen his work featured in films like Blade Runner, Tron and Johnny Mnemonic. But we just dig the "

Speedway Evolution

"A simple frame. Direct drive. Wide bars. Tiny tank. The fundamentals of a speedway bike have changed as little as the art of the oval itself. Here are nine bikes from nine decades. Can you spot the changes? [gallery link=""

Dirt Quake IV is HERE!

Bikes Culture

"In case you hadn't noticed, there's a lot to be said for the simple joy of racing a motorbike around an oval dirt track. While the noble sport of speedway may be the root of these things, the shale is "

Speedway Star!

Bikes People

"What do you think is the ongoing appeal of speedway as a motorsport? The speed and the danger aspect are ever-present as part of its appeal, but one of the sport’s greatest assets is being able to see the "

The Anatomy of a Speedway Bike


"Simplicity is extremely difficult to achieve. While the apparent straightforwardness of the oval is one of speedway’s key appeals there are a raft of mechanical subtleties on a speedway bike that help achieve the zen like flow of the "

Influx Social

Gallery: The Art of Speedway


"Speedway’s history reaches way back to a time when there were no computers, no electronic timings, no million dollar sponsorship deals and no TV coverage. Still, this stripped down sport of working class heroes produced a noble visual culture. "

Speedway Timeline


"Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. The Adrian Flux FIM British Speedway Grand Prix. The place is packed to the rafters. It’s clear to see that speedway today has a large and loyal following. And why not? What’s not to like? "

Volcan 4×4


"OK, in a month when we've been fetishising old Land Rovers it's worth mentioning that other off-roaders are available. And Toyota's totemic Land Cruiser brand, as well as Nissan's boxy patrol contender, contain in their number some of the most "

Guy Martin x Triumph Speed Record Attempt


"Triumph Motorcycles have confirmed their new land speed record attempt with greasy national treasure Guy Martin Our kid will be hitting the salt at Bonneville astride the Triumph Rocket III Streamliner, which is powered by two turbocharged, methanol-drinking 2.3 litre Triumph "

Lid Art


"Not sure what to make of these. Lids are supposed to protect you. But it's nice if they look good too. We've always been a bit skeptical about anything 'statementy' with regards to the design of a crash helmet. But "

Jeff Koons: A Roadcar Named Desire

People Culture

"He’s probably the world’s most successful living artist (using dollars as a measure) and he’s got a major retrospective circling the globe that has just landed in the Guggenheim, Bilbao. Back in the early 1980s Jeff Koons "

Bike Crush: Yamaha XJR 1300


"Ok, so we know the mainstream bike industry have been co-opting the custom scene for years now. Our Gary Inman, valued contrib, Sideburn supremo and Dirt Quake impresario, pointed out as much in our recent feature thread on the custom "