Flipping Mini


" Backflipping a mini? This sort of stunt isn't usually Influx fodder, but watching the video we thought we'd share anyhow. Rally driver Guerlain Chicherit and all-round *throws the devils horns* 'extreme dude' rocked up at the winter sports resort of "

McLaren F1 GTR Onboard


" It's been a while since we shared some onboard, POV goodness with you. But stumbling across this lovely, brutally exciting footage from on the shoulder of a lucky pilot of a McLaren F1 GTR, we thought we'd break our recent "

Bentley Val D’Isere Shooting Brake


"This car stopped us in our tracks when we spotted it sitting, regally, surrounded by cigarette-smoking chaufeurs, recently in the genteel inner circle of The Regents Park. Obviously of a rare breed, this is more than a shooting brake. It's "

Little Monkeys


" Images: Lynsey Hunter, Bike Magazine It might be that I'm a father of three, trying to work out how to have a fun, shared experience with my little ones. But dang it if I'm not in the mood for making "

Fiat Turbina


" When you think of Automotive futurism, its easy to believe that GM and other American company's attempts to style the future in a kind of disney-flavoured, jetson-type image. But the truth is about futurism that it was primarily an early 20"

Mercedes G Wagen


" Images via Influx Street Spots, High Snobiety, Mercedes We've been Land Rover fans for as long as we can remember here at Influx Towers. As we've mentioned time and time again, there's a loveliness about the simplicity of pure use "

Moto Guzzi Classic Love


" images via : le container, Bike Exif, MotoGuzzi Now, we've blathered on at length about our youthful obsession with Moto Guzzi's 850 le mans Mk1. But we can't shake the addiction. Every now and then we HAVE to wile away a windswept "

AMC Amitron


" I keep saying it to everyone I meet who cares about cars, without really, fully believing it. Every time I fill up, as you do, you wince, and wonder how great a proportion of that weekly hard-earned will have to "

Influx Social

Robert Redford: Biker


" Robert Redford by Orlando Globey via The Selvedge Yard It's well documented that Paul Newman & Steve McQueen were racers to their bones. These guys knew how to operate machines of four wheels and two as well as they knew "

Porsche 356: the beginning


"The first Type 356, designed by Ferdinand Porsche at the age of 72, was constructed in the then home of the Porsche company, an old sawmill in Gmund in Austria, in 1948. This first prototype, which now resides in the Porsche museum in "

Porsche 356 – the tech


"All images Magneto Gary Irwin's 1959 Porsche 356 was imported to UK in June 1999, when the bodywork restored and refinished by Andy Barry of Southend. The car was originally Ruby Red but was refinished by Andy in Aetna Blue, an original Porsche "

Porsche 356: the outlaw


"They call it an outlaw. And that's why we like it. But it has nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with orthodoxy. When the concours-fetishists denigrate cars who don't take originality to be the quintessence of "

Some Graphics from the 1930s


" We're on a bit of an auto art geek off these last few weeks due to the commissioning process of the next Print Zine. We keep stumbling on intriguing little bits and pieces of bygone car culture that is inspiring "

Mitsubishi Cordia Commercial

Cars Culture

" Now, the Cordia isn't the sort of car that often makes even Japanese car fetishists salivate. It's got that Renault Fuego-ish angular period aspect: though the Cordia had hard, origami style lines where the Fuego had voluptuous flow. It came "

McLaren turns 50 this year!


" We're McLaren fans here at Influx towers. When a company turns 50 years old, as this stalwart of British automotive engineering does this year, then we reckon it's worth celebrating. Ever since the now classic F1 rolled out of the hanger "

Natural Habitats


" Next week sees the launch of a great looking selection of pictures from the workshops and the roads of greased up Garage Land. Sam Christmas is a noteworthy shooter these days, and has of late swivelled the lens at one "