Rhythm Riot!


"Photography John Isaac/Magneto The long, lonely stretch of road that is Camber Sands is the sort of place you'd usually hurry through to more pleasant pastures such as nearby Rye. Unless, that is, you're holidaying at the massive Pontins "

Jaguar 13 + 75


" A few years ago we had the pleasure of meeting legendary Jaguar development engineer Norman Dewis. This is the man responsible for the shakedown of many of the most incredible British cars ever made - and some of the out "

Strange Fruit

People Culture

" All images Emile Kozak Emile Kozac is a prolific creative type. He photographs strange, absences, landscapes where the captured flies fleetingly by and then disappears. He documents normal things that through the lens become strange, even extraordinary. The Barcena based "



" images via http://www.acontinuouslean.com/ There are cool bosses and there are cool bosses. And there are cool offices and there are cool offices. But when you get a cool boss that sanctions the build of a cool slot "

Masterclass: Sir Stirling & The Cooper


" Down tools for ten minutes and enjoy with us this informative and entertaining video of Sir Stirling Moss threading a beautiful little Cooper around Donington Park. The car is similar to the one in which Sir Stirling won the 1958 Argentine "

Singer Porsche 911


" Ok, so you’ve probably heard the deal. You buy an early 90's 911 but are not quite sure it’s giving you the required style you thought you were buying into. It hasn’t got that hollowed out, race-bred leftism "

Crowe Customs


" We came across Crowe Customs delightful documentation of all things lathe-ish and metalspun while admiring Benji Wagner's rather nice photoblog. Benji is a west coast photographer and purveyor of fine outdoorsy type gear in the shape of the Poler brand, "

Toyota Tercel


" Now, there’s something decidedly unglamourous about it, but we have developed a little bit of love for the North American derivative of the Corolla, especially the 4WD wagon version of it. In fact, we doubt we have or will "

Influx Social

Oil Advertising


" We were thinking recently how pathetically wimpish current oil ads have to be. Gone are the days when you could sell lubricant with hot cars and hot babes. Post BP oil slick,and taking environmental realities into consideration, it's not "

Alfa Romeo Montreal Auction


" It's easy to see why the Montreal enjoys such a dedicated cult following. There's very little out there like it. Styled by Marcello Gandini, the maestro of Bertone himself, this diffusion, accessible supercar from the Alfa stable still looks fresh "

The Schlorwagen, 1936


" This slippery love toy of an automobile, which represents the pinnacle of German experiments in aero, was designed in around 1936. Its designers, working out of the Northern German town of Gottingen were Karl Schlör and engineer Krauss Maffei. The "

Renault Dauphine


" The Dauphine was of course one of the pioneering small, economic continental cars that steered the world away from two ton gas guzzlers at the end of the fifties. It was a cute, compact issue designed inhouse by Renault with "

Solifuge Design

Bikes Culture

" Shout out to the guys over at Bike Exif for these brilliant renders from Russian designer Mikhail Smolyanov. Ranging from Phillip K Dick stype futurism to the Neo-Retro aviation-automotive crossover, there's something characteristically Russian about the designs. We reckon Smolyanov "

Lamborghini Sesto Elemento


" When in the Autumn of 2010 Lambo released the first pictures of their outrageous design study the Sesto Elemento, there was a collective gasp from anyone vaguely interested in automotive aesthetics. And between thee and me, we are still gasping. Just "

Pepsi Transit


" There's something about Pepsi Transit vans that reminds me of Christmas. An uncle of mine, deceased these last fifteen years, used to drive a Pepsi van back in the seventies. One Christmas, for some promotional reason or another, he got "

Welbike Love?


" We were amazed this morning when we stumbled across this amazingly well conceived little piece of kit on the Aether blog. We had never heard of a collapsible motorbike that could be dropped into action behind enemy lines before. The "