From French bulldogs to Ferrari; does Callum Ilott like these a little or Ilott?

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Adrian Flux backed racing driver Callum Ilott is on the rise. Currently a test driver for Scuderia Ferrari and reserve driver for Alfa Romeo, Callum has the world at his feet and is in the public eye constantly. But what do we really know about Mr.Ilott?

We posed Callum 11 questions to get to know him better. From Justin Bieber to travelling around the world, read on to find out if Callum likes these things a little, Ilott *ahem* or dislikes every one of them.

French bulldogs

It’s nice to start with an easy one! French bulldogs I like a huge amount, probably one of the best dogs to be around ever, and yes, maybe I do have one!

Racing in the heat

I don’t mind it but it’s not my favourite. If there isn’t ventilation it can be quite uncomfortable, but obviously I train hard to make sure I can acclimatise quickly.

Justin Bieber

I like Bieber. Everybody likes Bieber, even if they don’t think they do.

Pineapple on pizza

The taste isn’t horrible but it’s a sin in Italy to order this pizza. Do not like!

Working out

Yeah I quite like working out. Which is good as I have no choice being a racing driver! I’m a big supporter of the physical and mental benefits of exercise. Although some workouts are more enjoyable than others. I particularly enjoy swimming and rock climbing at the moment.


Travelling is great. It can be stressful at times but it’s also very rewarding.

Racing in the rain

Hmmm. I like racing in the rain; it changes the dynamics as it’s more down to the driver than the car how to race plays out. But I dislike being cold and wet whilst sat in a car.

Scuderia Ferrari

Simple – it’s the most iconic car racing brand in the world. Like ‘Ilot’.

Home cooking

I like a bit of home cooking. I like to cook at home and I like to eat at home. After living in Italy for a number of years it will be no surprise that pasta is at the top of my list of favourite foods.

Cambridge, England

Cambridge is a lovely place. So historic with lots of things to see and also some lovely shops and restaurants. Go visit and find out for yourself!

Social media

This is a difficult one. I like and I dislike. I like to be able to share content with fans and to use it to keep in touch with the news as it happens. I dislike with a passion that there is also so much freedom for such negativity and abuse. Please be kind everyone.

Image credits @callum_ilott Instagram and @gooden_images Instagram

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